Calendar August 13, 2015 03:24

Blogger Blogger

Drawing - Supergirl

As I said before, I have been trying to draw more often. This time I drew Supergirl and did some quick shading. That's all for now, thanks for reading!

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Calendar August 5, 2015 03:36

Blogger Blogger

Texture Tuesday - August 4

So I have been working a lot of over time over the last few months and recently stopped. Since I have more time to work on my art, I decided that it was time to start up Texture Tuesday again. 

Since I am currently in the process of creating a 3D environment, I decided to make the texture that I will use for the walls. I started the blocks in Maya, took it to ZBrush for the detail, and finally baked the normal/ao map in XNormal.

I will add color to the texture in the next few days and post an update. That's all for now, thanks for reading!

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Calendar July 29, 2015 03:15

Blogger Blogger

Drawing - Genderbent Vega

So I have been trying to squeeze more time drawing and this is what I drew, its suppose to be Genderbent Vega from Street Fighter. Anyways, that's all for now, thanks for reading!

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Calendar July 21, 2015 05:02

Blogger Blogger

Building My PC - Getting an SSD

So I know that this has nothing to do with art, but I recently built my own PC, but I didn't get an SSD since they were kind of expensive. The other day I found a good deal on Newegg for a 250 Gb Crucial MX200 SSD.

It arrived earlier today and I have been working on my PC for the last couple hours while I figured out how to install the drive on my case. I was freaking out since I thought I forgot to buy the part to mount it on my case, but then I remember that I could just screw the drive to one of the bays it already comes with (pictured above). It is now 3 in the morning and I am happy to say that the OS and all the main drivers are installed.

While I am really tired, I really would like to point out how games run off the new drive. I got Arkham Knight at launch for my PC, and it had a ton of problem running off my regular mechanical hard drive. But with the new SSD, most of the stuttering and other issues are now gone and plays really well on my machine.

I still have a bunch of software to reinstall, but for now I need to get some sleep. That's all for now, thanks for reading!

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Calendar July 13, 2015 02:44

Blogger Blogger

Anime Drawing - Sakurai from Rail Wars

So the other day I was talking to a friend of mine at work and the show Rail Wars came up. I did a couple of drawings awhile ago of one of the characters, so I decided to do another. This one is another of the main characters of the show called Aoi Sakurai, and she is awesome in the show.

Anyways, I don't think I will coloring this one, so this will be as far as I take this one. I need more practice in 2D art, so I will try to have more of these more often. As you can probably tell, I still have a long way to go on my line work. That's all for now, thanks for reading!

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Calendar June 15, 2015 00:16

Blogger Blogger

Making a First Person Shooter in Unreal Engine - Part 4

So I have finished working on the tutorial for a simple first person shooter on Digital Tutors, here is what I have:

Last time I finished implementing the last few things that would actually end the game and just reload the same level. This time I had to implement the event graph for a secret path that lets the player shave a few seconds of their time in the game. The picture above shows the network that does a few different things: it checks to make sure you entered/exited the trigger sphere for the door and another that actually makes the doors slide down.

The picture above is of the final state of the game. The green stop watch is the bonus pick-up that reduces the player's final time by 3 seconds and you can also see the target. These two types of pick-ups are spreed around the level and the player has to shoot them to activate them. You can also see your current ammo on the bottom left corner and your current time on the top right corner.

The picture above is of the final screen that shows the stats for the player. This breaks down exactly how much "real" time they took, any time reductions if they got the timer pickups, and the final time. It also tracks how many targets the player hit and how many were destroyed. For this game I made it so each target could only be destroyed if it was hit 3 times, that is why it shows that I hit 1 target, but didn't destroy any of them.

I found that in Unreal you can create a destruction mesh out of an object and you can have a mesh shatter to pieces. I have tried to create one out of the target mesh, but I haven't been able to do it on my own since this part isn't in the tutorial. I will keep trying to do it on my own and will make a post if I figure it out. Thanks for reading!

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Calendar June 11, 2015 23:55

Blogger Blogger

Making a First Person Shooter in Unreal Engine - Part 3

I am now about 3/4 of the way done with the tutorial, and here is what I have so far:

Since last time, I created a way for the player to be able to finish the level. This consists of the player running through the map and "pushing" a button on the final room. For this end state, I have collision sphere around the button that displays a couple lines of text once the player is inside the sphere. If the player press the space bar as the instructions say, they will be unable to fire their gun or move.

Here is a closer look at how the network for firing the gun and moving around the map have been laid out. Please note that I have a few variables that I use to make sure that the player can't fire their weapon or can't move once the end game sequence has been started.

I hope that I can finish the tutorial soon, but since I have been staying late at work everyday I don't have much time to work on this. Thanks for reading!

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Calendar June 8, 2015 23:26

Blogger Blogger

Making a First Person Shooter in Unreal Engine - Part 2

So I am now a little more than halfway done with tutorial for making a FPS level in Unreal Engine. Here are a couple screenshots of what I think was the most valuable in the tutorial:

The screenshot about is the network I made for the flotation of targets that will be around the level. These targets have a static mesh and a particle system that make it look like they are floating thanks to a couple of rockets on the bottom of the target.

But since it would be weird to just have the target levitating perfectly still, we added this effect that moves the object ever so slightly up-and-down. Also, I added a delay with a random value to make sure that each target doesn't move at the exact same time.

Next was a brief introduction into Widget Blueprints, this is a builtin way for Unreal Engine to display a UI to your player. For now I have just set up the 4 different elements in the UI to keep track of the ammo the player has and the current time that the player has spent on the level. On the next few lessons I will learn how to do Data Bindings so the UI can update in real time.

That's all for now, thanks for reading!

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Calendar June 2, 2015 00:29

Blogger Blogger

Making a First Person Shooter in Unreal Engine - Part 1

So I have to say that I am completely in love with Unreal Engine and I can't stop going through tutorials to learn as much as I can about the engine. I recently finished a couple of tutorials that showed me how to use Blueprints and Data Tables in Unreal Engine.

I have decided that I am ready to learn more about the engine and learn how to make a First Person Shooter in Unreal, all thanks to Digital Tutors. I really like their site, they have helped me out a ton recently and I only wish that I would have taken advantage of it a couple of years ago.

Anyways, I have now started to the lesson and have started to make make some functions in Unreal, mainly this one:

When you start the lesson, the world is already set up for us so it gives us time to concentrate on only making the Blueprints for the game play to work the way we want it. This node network was created to help us actually shoot from the gun we already have set up. Essentially we get the location of the center of the screen and do a line trace to check if we hit anything along the line. I know that its kind of basic, but I just really like that we are able to do all this using Blueprints and not actual C++ code.

At this time I haven't gotten too far into the series, but I will keep working on this as much as possible over the next few days. I image that this series will take me at least a week to finish since there are 40 lessons total, so hopefully I can work through them fairly quickly. Thanks for reading!

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Calendar May 31, 2015 23:47

Blogger Blogger

Using Data Tables in Unreal Engine 4

So in my quest to learn as much as I can about Unreal Engine to make a game over the summer, I have just completed another tutorial series from Digital Tutors. This time around the tutorial didn't focus much on making blueprints, instead it focused on how to use data tables and C++ code in Unreal Engine.

The screenshot above is of some C++ code to make a function and a data structure that could be used inside Unreal Engine.

The screenshot above is a blue print that uses the code that we made, along with an enumeration to change a display mesh and item information using the data table. This node network would first find what kind of item it should be through the enumeration and then display the correct mesh for the the object in the editor.

This series was much shorted than the last once I took, but I really liked it because it gives me a look at other things that the engine can do. That's all for now, thanks for reading!

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Calendar May 28, 2015 01:50

Blogger Blogger

Unreal Engine Input Action Network

So it took me longer than I wanted, but I am finally finished with the tutorial series I started on Digital Tutors to lean Blue Prints. I still don't fully understand how most of the stuff works, but I did learn how to make a simple maze game.

The tutorial basically walked me through on how to set up picks ups, simple animations, and a few other things that made the maze level work. Here is one of the new networks I made since last time:

The network on top basically checks for when the player left clicks to see if the ray that gets sent out interacted with anything in the world. And if the player has reached the end and interacts with the item at the end, it will reload the level and reset all the picks up.

This tutorial was really fun and I hope to keep working on Unreal Engine and take more tutorials since I really am committed to making my game this summer. It may not be a completely finished game, but it will happen.

Anyways, thanks for reading!

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Calendar May 15, 2015 01:50

Blogger Blogger

Learning Unreal Engine

So I have decided that I will make a game this summer on my own. I really liked working on my Python game for my CS 1410 class, it reminded me that I hadn't actually worked on a game for almost 2 years.

I have decided that I want to make a top down shooter, but in 3d and not in Python. I downloaded Unreal Engine 4 a while ago, but never even opened it since I don't know anything about it. After doing some research, I will be doing my small game in the Unreal Engine. The problem is that I don't know anything about it... That is where Digital Tutors comes in!

I have used Digital Tutors in the past to learn ZBrush, but so this time I will be taking a few of their courses to learn Unreal. The problem is that I am still fairly new to coding, and I don't think I can do C++ yet. Which is why I was so happy when I found out that Unreal can use something called Visual Scripting which is a lot like how Substance Designer works, but it allows you to "code" in your game functions without knowing coding. I haven't looked to much into it, but I'm guessing that you are probably limited on what you can do as opposed to actually coding everything by hand and getting stuff working exactly how you want it.

So I have now started to take Digital Tutors' class in creating Blue Prints in Unreal Engine. Blue Prints is what they are calling their visual scripting feature, and its not that hard to understand. I haven't done too much on it yet, but I have finished the first 6 or 7 lessons and I have started to create a simple dungeon crawler game using Unreal. I have to say that I am really excited to finish this tutorial and maybe taking a few more before I jump in and starting making my game. Here is a screenshot of the node networks I have made so far:

I will continue to work on the tutorial and post something when I'm done. In the meantime, thanks for reading!

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Calendar May 6, 2015 23:11

Blogger Blogger

Final Project for Python Class

So today we presented our final project for our Python class. Since I was the lead in the group, I had to make sure that our game was as finished as possible. I don't know if I explained what our game was going to be before, so I will do it now:

Our game is called Commando, and essentially its about a soldier that is stuck behind enemy lines and has to survive. Armed with only a gun, he has to kill enemy soldiers and find supplies to survive until he is able to find the extraction point.

The player is the light green soldier and he has to kill the soldiers in dark green. Every time he kills an enemy soldier, the player gets 10 points added to their score. For every crate of supplies the player opens, the player gets a bonus 5 points.

The extraction point is a helicopter that you are able to boar as soon as you find it. Or if you want to get a higher score, you can explore and kill more enemies and collect more crates.

I would put the code on this entry, but there is just too much of it to just paste in the blog entry. So if anyone is actually curious and wants to see the code, you can do so in GitHub right here.

Anyways, I'm going to sleep now. Thanks for reading!

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Calendar April 29, 2015 01:08

Blogger Blogger

Texture Tuesday - April 28

I'm trying to get back into regularly doing Texture Tuesday, so far this is my second week in a row.

I have continued to use Substance Designer again this time around to create this tile texture. I am still amazed that I am able to do a diffuse map and a normal map in one go.

That's all for now, thanks for reading!

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Calendar April 25, 2015 10:29

Blogger Blogger

Yahtzee Assignment Version 1.5

So I don't know if you can tell the difference, but I kept working on my Yahtzee assignment from last night and I have added two more buttons: New Game and Quit. These buttons do exactly what they say, one lets you start a new game without quitting the game and the other lets you quit the game.

I should add that there are now three ways to quit the game: pressing the esc button on your keyboard, pressing the red x on the window, or pressing the new quit button.

The New Game button was probably the trickiest one to make since I had to make it so it would reset everything correctly. Mainly resetting your score to 100 (this was easy) and resetting the value of the dice to 1. This took me a bit to figure out, but I did it.

I still haven't been able to implement the loss window that checks after every round if your points are 0 or lower.

I will continue to work on this and hopefully have a new version done in a few days. That's all for now, thanks for reading!

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