Calendar April 16, 2013 18:06

Blogger Blogger

Hallway Done

So I've finished putting together the whole section of the hallway for my micro environment, here is the render:

I'm already reworking some of the stuff in the bridge like the stairs since my scale was off. That's all for now, thanks for reading!

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Calendar April 15, 2013 01:18

Blogger Blogger

Sci Fi Door

So I've just finished making the door for my Sci Fi micro environment, here is a quick render of the door:

This door is designed so that instead of opening vertically, it opens horizontally and then the bottom part slides down, and the top part goes up. I was trying to find a way to make the door interesting when I get to animating it and texturing it since I didn't want it to be a regular door.

With the completion of the door, the hallway leading to the bridge of the ship is now done. I still have to make a new floor tile, but for now its done. I will now move to adding all the detail to the bridge.

I finally feel like I'm making progress on my environment, at first it didn't feel like I was doing anything no matter how much time I had just spend on the model. I will also start to maybe use some AO passes on the models so that I don't have to look at them in the same boring grey color. I also have to bake it down, but I will do that at the end.

That's all for now, thanks for reading!

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Calendar April 11, 2013 13:05

Blogger Blogger


So for the last week I've been thinking of more objects to build for my thesis game. Someone in the team gave me the idea to make a kite, so here is what i came up with:

The model was about 400 and I use one texture map. Now I have to create a few more texture that can be applied to the kite model. My team also wants me to create some new particle effects for some collision when the player is falling, so my weekend will be very busy. :(

That's all for now, thanks for reading!

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Calendar April 10, 2013 17:52

Blogger Blogger

Wall Piece Finished

So I finally finished a whole section of the corridor for my sci fi environment, here is a render:

I basically took all the pieces that I've done so far, and put them all together and this is what I came up with. I'm very pleased with the look and I can't wait to see what everything will look like in the end.

Now that I'm done with the wall, I need to create a cool looking door and I will be completely done with the hallway leading to the bridge of the space ship.

That's all for now, thanks for reading!

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Calendar April 9, 2013 14:37

Blogger Blogger

Sci Fi Floor Tile

So I've been working on a floor title for my space ship micro environment, and this is what I've come up with:

This title is now ready to be baked down, but I think I will put off doing that for a little while.

Next I will work on creating some roof tiles. Thanks for reading!

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Calendar April 8, 2013 21:48

Blogger Blogger

Confessions of a GameDev - A Discussion About Equality

So for a while I've occasionally been part of podcast being done by a few of the people here in the cohort, specifically my friend Karratti and Spencer. There's been other people that have also been there, but there are too many to list. The podcast is called: "Confessions of a GameDev" and you can listen to all their episodes if you follow that link.

The reason why I'm making this post about the podcast is that the episode we made last week (but is available today) talks about stuff that is very close to me. Its usually a bunch of students and other game devs that have a discussion about current events, but for this episode they invited a PhD student/teacher named Cindy Huynh to the podcast to discuss equality in media, specifically how we portray people in games.

A lot of what we discussed took me back to my freshman year in college since I had to take a few Ethnic Studies classes as part of my scholarship. I hope that if anyone actually reads my blog, you will give this episode a listen since I think that we touch on a lot of points that most of the time get overlooked in media or games.

That's all for now, thanks for reading!

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Calendar April 7, 2013 01:46

Blogger Blogger

Getting Back Into Digital Painting

So ever since I finished working on the geisha painting, I've been wanting to go back to doing more painting. I've been looking for a something to paint, and I decided to paint a black and white picture from one of my favorite manga series called Gantz. I found the picture that I wanted, and made a trace of it a while back, but never actually got around to painting anything on it. Here is what I have so far:

I did some of the shadows and put down some base layers for the colors, but I don't think I like the color that I picked for her bikini, so I may have to look for something else that works better.

Anyways, hopefully I'll be able to work more on this piece since it gives me a chance to develop my 2D art skills. Thanks for reading!

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Calendar April 4, 2013 23:48

Blogger Blogger

Another Sci FI Pillar

So like I said on my last post, I will focus on the hallway leading into the main room first, and this is what I have so far:

This is another type of pillar that I finished today, this is what will provide support for the the hallway. I added a monitor where I have some random stuff about the ship displayed once I get to texturing the model.

I don't really know what to call this next piece, but its going to go up against a wall between each pillar that I posted above.

Next, I will finish working on the wall where the pipes are in, with more detail. I know that the post I did about the pipes wasn't that good, but it kind of motivated me work on my project and make it look really good. That's all for now, thanks for reading!

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Calendar April 2, 2013 22:47

Blogger Blogger

Sci Fi Pillar

So I've kept working on my environment for my hard surface modeling class, and I finished one of the pieces tonight. I created a pillar that will support a walkway above it. Here are the renders of the finished model:



I tried to put as much detail as possible without making overbearing. When I think of the future, I think clean and complex, but not something that would take a genius to figure how to operate something. While I know that this is just a pillar, I wanted to make the pillars part of the ship, not things that are just there to hold something else up.

Next I will work on the walls that are in the hallway before entering the room, and I'll post an update when I have some progress to show. Thanks for reading!

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Calendar April 2, 2013 01:08

Blogger Blogger

Progress on Final Project

So a little while ago, I posted an entry about my concept for my hard surface modeling final project. I have to admit that I've fallen behind a bit in that class with GDC and all. I've been working on it a bit over the last month, but it was mostly to block-out the idea that I had in my mind.

Today I spend most of the day working on my scene, and this is what I have so far. Its nothing impressive  but I decided that I should post at least some progress:

I don't know how much detail I posted about my idea, but I want to create a sci-fi interior of a spaceship. The render above if from some pipes that will be in the hallway. Also, this is suppose to be a hi-poly model, and as far as I know we have no tri-count limit. But I am trying to keep to a minimum my polys where-ever I can.

I keep jumping from place to place in my environment, so I think I need to come-up with an order of how I'm going to work on this or else I'll never finish. I've got some of the ships bridge (is that the right word?) blocked-in and need to add detail and smooth the edges. I will continue to work on this and try to post more updates as the week moves along. That's all for now, thanks for reading!

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Calendar March 30, 2013 00:30

Blogger Blogger

GDC 2013

So this week was GDC and I'm happy that I got a chance to go and talk to a lot of industry professionals. Lucky for me this wasn't my first time at GDC, and I learned a thing or two from last year.

To start, last year I didn't have a tablet or a way other than my laptop to show my portfolio. But the wifi at GDC get overloaded within hours and its almost impossible to get a signal and speed. Last year my uncles gave me an iPad for my birthday, so I got my portfolio images saved on my iPad and was able to show my work this time around.

Next, my business cards were in better shape. Last year I made some at the last minute and they didn't turn out that great. I feel that the design that I worked on this year are more presentable and professional.

Also, thanks to the help of my friend Ash, she helped me put together a better resume that says "hey, I'm an artist!" and not just one that I put together in Word using a template. I really like the way it turned out, and it just goes to show that I'm getting better as time goes by.

The one thing that was a let down was that the career pavilion was tiny this time around, last time it was at least half the size of the expo. This time it was so small, that they put the expo and the career pavilion in the same place.

The big companies still made an appearance, but Blizzard was noticeably missing as well as other big studios. Riot Games was there, and I tried to talk from Riot as I could. Specifically, I got to talk to the Lead Environment Artist at Riot, and got him to look at my portfolio. The critique that he gave me was brutal, but that's a goot thing! Only when people tell you where you are lacking, do you truly become aware and work towards improving yourself.

I talked to other big studios, but none were as memorable as the ones that I had with Riot. I hope to go again next year and be able to impress him with my work and have him tell me what I should work on next.

That's all for now, thanks for reading!

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Calendar March 21, 2013 23:41

Blogger Blogger

New Water Droplet

So today I was tasked with creating a better looking water droplet than what we have in the game at the moment. Here is a quick render:

I'm not sure, but I think that the water droplets that we have in the game at the moment are just spheres with some texture attached. I tried to make the droplet interesting and tried to use a darker shade of blue that what we have in the game.

Also, I created that texture following a water texture tutorial I found online and I think it turned out good.

That's all for now, thanks for reading!

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Calendar March 16, 2013 04:02

Blogger Blogger

Riot Games Summer Internship

As I'm sitting writing this blog entry, it has been about 15 minutes since I submitted my application to the Riot Games summer internship as an art intern. I have to say this is one of the most nerve-wracking moments in my life. Now that I've submitted my application, I feel better and leave everything in the hands of destiny.

I don't usually write/talk about job applications that I've submitted because I feel like I'm going to jinx it, but this application is special. Not that I don't want to work for any of the other companies that I've applied for, it just that as I submitted this application I started to think back on when I started to play LoL. Its been about a year and a half, and I remember that the first champion I ever played was Riven. She had just been release a week or so before I started playing, because when I first started was the week that she was free to play. 

I remember that even though I didn't know what I was doing most of the time, I really enjoyed playing as riven because I felt like I was contributing to the fight since she is a melee champion that has to get into the middle of things if she wants to do anything in a team fight. After the week was over, I had to look for another champion that fit my play style. I remember trying out Katarina a few times but it just didn't feel the same. Even though Katarina also has to get in close for her ult, it felt weird and after a few matches I decided that if I was going to keep playing I was going to play someone that I like and was at least good at. So I took out my credit card and bought Riot Points to buy Riven. This was the first time that I had spent real money on a free to play game, before then I didn't think that free to play games were worthy of spending actual money. 

After that I kept playing mostly as Riven for a long time, occasionally playing new character when they became available to play for free. After a while the best thing happened, a new champion was going to get released that could turn into a dragon! I have this thing for dragons, so I immediately decided that I was going to buy Shyvana as soon as she was available and would only play as Shyvana for as long as I could. At first it took me a while to learn how to play her, but I eventually became proficient with her and I kicked butt. 

Now a days, I've learned how to play quite a few champions, but my best champions are the ones that are able to take a few hits and still be ok. My best champions are as follow:

Top Lane:
  • Darius
  • Vi
  • Shyvana
  • Riven
  • Fiora
Mid Lane:
  • Ahri
  • Diana
  • Annie
  • Syndra
  • Zyra
  • Amumu
  • Rengar
  • Ashe
  • Miss Fortune
  • Volibear
  • Zyra
  • Leona
I have different proficiency levels with all the champions that I've listed, and some I haven't played in a while but I'm sure that I could pick them back up with almost no trouble. I own about 1/3 of the champions, and there are some that I've never touched or some that I tried a couple of times but they didn't fit my play style. One important thing that I have to point out, is that out all the five positions, ADC and Support are by far my worse positions to play.

ADC depends on farming and a good support player, and Support is too passive and I feel like I'm not doing much half the time. I prefer to stay on Top or Mid Lane where I'm constantly going back and forth with the other players. And I'm still new at jungling, I have to learn someone new since Amumu gets banned all the time and for some reason I tend to fall flat on my face with Rengar. 

Anyways, now that I've spent a long time writing this blog entry, I'm starting to get sleepy since this entry took longer than expected.  I was talking to my wife and mom at the same time, so they both kind of distracted me. Now I go to sleep, and hope for the best on my application to Riot Game.

Thanks for reading, and see you in the Field of Justice!


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Calendar March 11, 2013 13:28

Blogger Blogger

New Business Card

So I've been working on a new business card design the last few days, and this is what I've come up with:

I've decided that the dragon tribal that I made for my shield model is going to part of my "brand". The reason why I say this, is that a while ago one of my friends here at the U was talking to us about how we need to brand ourselves and own it. Since I really like dragons and its also part of my email, I decided to make it part of who I am.

I think that I may still need to do some adjustments, but for now this is what I have. Thanks for reading!

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Calendar March 7, 2013 20:18

Blogger Blogger

Final Project Concept Art

For my hard surface modeling class, we had to come up with an idea for a final project where we would have to create a hard surface model. We have to create a high poly model of what ever we decide to make, so I've decided to create a high poly environment of a spaceship, similar to the ones found in Mass Effect or Star Ocean. Here is my concept sketches based on some reference images that I found and liked the shapes that they had.

This next week will be spring break, so I will spend much of my time getting ready for GDC. But I hope that I will at least have a chance to start blocking out the environment since we are suppose to have to show some progress when we go back to class next week.

That's all for now, thanks for reading.

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