Calendar November 9, 2010 16:32

Blogger Blogger

Another Ship

So I don't have any tasks assigned to me right now, so I didn't know what else I need to work on. In the meantime I finished the ship that I started last week and I put the same shader that I've been using on the other ships that I've made. Charlie should be assigning me some tasks before the end of the day, so I'll know what to work on by next time.

Here is the renders of the new ship that I've made:

I still have to go thru and split the ship into pieces so that the programers have several binding spheres for collision detection. I also have to add attachment points on the ships so that the programers know where to attach the pods. I will get all of this done before the end of the day.

That is all for now, thanks for reading.

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Calendar November 4, 2010 21:04

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First Sprint is Over

So today marks the day that we finished our first sprint. We have come a long way as a team.

We had to do a presentation on where we are at this point. The tech team put together a demo game that has a working space box with some debris and used the first ship that I created a few weeks ago. We also showed that we have an options screen that can manage: the brightness, contrast, and other things. We also have a save and load screen.

After class, most of us that were there, got together for a quick chat and discussed about getting a poll up on our Google Groups site. The poll would take everyone's point of view into consideration of what they would like the ships to look like and other stuff that we need to figure out before we can move on.

Also, we talked a little about what we wanted for the story of the game. A while ago, we talked about there being two corporations in the game, each with their pros and cons; the player would be able to choose sides and stuff like that. Each side would have different ships that would vary in the way they look, the color of the ships, what type of ships are available to the player, etc. But one persons on the group (I can't remember who it was) mentioned that what if instead of having just two faction, we have three.

Since there is three of us doing the work on the art side of the project, each of us would create a "corporation" for the game and have our own art style for the ships. In my opinion this sounds really cool, and its something that I would really enjoy. That would be like creating my own little world inside the game. But on the other hand, this would increase the work load for all three of us. This would also increase the assets necessary for the game and endup taking way more space than needed.

Since Tuesday, I started to work on another ship because I don't know what else to do in the meantime. Also our second sprint starts TODAY! There is no break for us, specially now that we have to make sure that in two weeks we have something more impressive to show the class. We have to outdo ourselves every time! Sounds horrible, I know. But that's the way it has to be. Hopefully I'll get my assignments this weekend so that I can start to work on them.

That is all. Thanks for reading.

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Calendar November 3, 2010 11:22

Blogger Blogger

Not Much to Report

On Tuesday we didn't have a lecture during class, so we used the time to go to lab L130 in the WEB. I used that time to learn how to export both of my models into the FBX format. Once I did this to both of my models, I uploaded them to the SVN repository we have for the assets.

I got to see the progress of the game so far and it looks really promising. The programming guys have been able to set up a 3D space and have my first ship fly around in it. The camera follows the ship and it even has a cool effect that makes the camera pull back a little when the ship speeds up.

We also had a conversation of where we wanted the art style and the game to go. At first we talked about probably making the ship modular. This means that the player would be able to build their own ship and customize it how ever they see fit. The player would be able to either buy or get upgrades throughout the game. But James said that it might be too complicated to put it in code and actually get it to work properly.

I belief that we should not take a modular approach because it would require too many assets in the game to come up with a bunch of different parts for ships. I think that we should create a handful of ships and create something like a garage where the player would be able to keep the ships that he or she buys. This would also allow the player to have different types of ships each having their pros and cons.

But since not everyone was there, we weren't able to come to a decision. So we decided that we would put it to a vote on our Google Groups site. This way it will be fair, and once we know for sure we can move forward.

Also, our first sprint will be coming to a close on Thursday and we have to present to the class where we are and what we want to do for the next sprint. We also have to explain what worked and what didn't.

I've finished all the stuff that was assigned to me on ScrumWorks, but I will still work on more ships and try to have one more done by Thursday afternoon. I want to do one that resembles the SA-23E Aurora.

That is all I have to report, thanks for reading.

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Calendar October 28, 2010 16:39

Blogger Blogger

New Concept Ship

So today I uploaded a new ship to the assest repository that was set up for our game. And I had a break of about 2 hours, so I made a new ship in that time. It's not that fancy, but we are suppose to be coming up with different variations of the ships.

Here is a few renders of my new ship:




Also, I've been assigned the ships and the texture that go along with those ships on scrumworks. I haven't make any textures yet, but I will try to at least do one by next time.

I'm still having trouble coming up with ideas for ships. I'm not really good at coming up with art, but if someone gives me a picture of something I can model it without a problem.

All of us in the art side have decided that for our art style, we should try to make modular ships. Or even if they aren't truly modular, we should make them look like they are. So we can model parts of ships instead of complete ships. 

Thats all for now, thanks for reading.

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Calendar October 26, 2010 16:26

Blogger Blogger

Shaded Model

So, I'm too lazy to actually layout the UVs for the model that I made so I just added some shaders to the model and gave it a metallic feel to it. The thing is that I have to work on the shader a bit, because some of the paint on the model looks more like a sticker. I think that part of the problem is that its also a little too bright.

Here are some renders of the model.






Other than that, I haven't done much. I will try to find more reference images to make more ships in the next day or so. In the meantime, thanks for reading.

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Calendar October 21, 2010 20:34

Blogger Blogger

Presentation to the Class

Today, all the groups had to do a small presentation about what stage we are in our games. We had to present any code and art that we have.

The only thing is that our groups hasn't done anything. 

We had Fall Break last week and Bob and Roger were gone last time so we haven't really had a chance to decide what we are going to do. The good thing is that we weren't the only ones. The Gravity Shift team didn't have anything to present, they mainly talked about what they were doing and what they wanted to do in the future.

The Twin Stick group presented a 3D version of their game. They showed that you can move and have a very rough 3D world in place. They showed that they were able to attack and interact with the enemy.

We had a few things to present. We presented the sky box that Brandon has been working on and some of the models that Charlie made.

After class, I decided to finish a ship of my own. I found this picture on the internet and I used to make a model.


This is a few pictures of the model that I made.





Thats what I have so far. Since we are still in the concept stage for the art and the models, I'm debating on whether I should lay out the UVs for the ship or not. Anyways, thanks for reading.

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Calendar October 19, 2010 18:51

Blogger Blogger

Back From Fall Break

So today is the first day back from Fall Break.

Bob and Roger (the teachers) weren't here today, but we had a couple of student from last year talk to the class. I don't remember their names, but they were part of the team that created Urban Space Squirrels.

They talked about the level editor that they created for their game and how important it was to not take it lightly. They said that they actually spend a great deal of time developing the editor, constantly making changes or adding features that they needed in order for it to work the way they wanted it to.

Basically, they created a game that is based around tiles. Their game is a bunch of little pictures put together to create a level. But they also created tiles for different things that happened in the game. They had tiles for lasers, buttons, platforms, etc.

It was really cool what they managed to do with their level editor because it looks really easy to use but very good at what it's suppose to do.

They also talked about what they struggled with. Overall, they were there to tells us what not to do, but how to do it in a way that will save time.

We are also going to start our sprints by next class, so pretty soon I probably won't have a social life (their words not mine). :(

Anyways, thanks for reading.

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Calendar October 19, 2010 01:56

Blogger Blogger

Fall Break

So even if we are in fall break and we aren't working on our sprints yet, we decided that we should probably start working on some of the modeling so that we don't fall behind. The thing is that it's easier said than done. :P

I have to admit that I got really lazy over Fall break and I didn't do what I originally wanted to do, which is have some sort of model done by tomorrow (10-19). But I did manage to go online and look at some pictures of space ships from other games and I think I know what I want to do now, but I first want to run it by the group to make sure that it matches our "art style" that we are suppose to stick to.

So here are some of the picture that I found that might be of some help.




So those are the pictures, thanks for reading.

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Calendar October 8, 2010 23:30

Blogger Blogger

Trimming Down the Backlog

So yesterday, we got together again to talk about the Backlog that we worked on Tuesday during class. But this time, instead of adding more ideas to the backlog we started to talk about what were the essential parts inorder to have some sort of working model by the end of the semester. This means that a lot of the stuff in the backlog are not going to be worked on immediately and might not even make it to the final game.

In the mean time we've decided that some of the most essential things for the game are:

  • Menu screen
  • Control scheme
  • User interface (first person/third person) HUD
  • Player's ships
  • Enemy's ships
  • Load out screen
  • Save/Load game system
  • Pause system
  • Pods functionality
  • Space box
  • Planets/space content
  • Radar system
  • Combat system
  • Mission screen
  • Buy/Sell system or Ship upgrade system
  • AI system (enemies and allies)
We will try to focus on these things and try to have a Beta out by the end of the semester.

That's all. Thanks for reading.

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Calendar October 7, 2010 13:14

Blogger Blogger

Brainstorming Ideas

So I forgo to update my blog for Tuesday October 5th. So this will post will cover what happened on that day.

So on Tuesday we got into our groups and started to brainstorm ideas for our Backlong of all the features that we could possible have. We also included all the things that we would need to actually make the game work. This includes: 3D models, art, programing, etc.

This is our complete list of ideas:

Game Modes

  • Versus - split screen/networking
  • Campaign - split screen co-op/races/challenges, possibly salvage lost player's ship and lost player could operate in an auxiliary mode (gunner)


  • Environments with gravity due to planets, black holes, stars
  • Nebula
  • Space stations
  • Trash/Junk sectors


  • Fighters of different sizes and classes (bomber, interceptor, swarm, etc.)
  • Capital ships (larger "boss" ships)
  • Space stations
  • Fixed weapon placements
  • Medium cruisers
  • Freighters
  • Aliens


  • Target different parts of ships (hull, engines, weapons, shields, etc.)
  • Switch targets
  • Lock on


  • Escort civilians
  • Disable instead of kill
  • Attack convoy
  • Start with missions that are critical to the story and add more as time permits

Ship Customization

  • Money
  • Locations to purchase upgrades (stations, home base)
  • Find loot/salvage


  • Dog fighting
  • Keep it "busy" - fast paced, lots of action
  • Arcade fell instead of exploration
  • Customization - find loot, buy parts
  • Objectives - Could affect future missions? Dynamic objectives?
  • Missions follow a story
  • Pick your missions
  • Soft abort/escape?
  • Squadron of teammates? - Possibly command them
  • Fast travel - select coordinates and jump to mission location
  • Switch between fight/defense/travel mode
  • Multiple ships
  • Lose ships if you die
  • Lose money if you die
  • Different classes of pods - offensive, defensive, tactical
  • Tutorial on ship functions, fighting, navigating, etc.
  • Different corporations have different tech/upgrades available - need to earn renown with each corp. to purchase


This is a list of all the things Roger went through with us to help us figure out what we need to develop.
  • Menu screen
  • Tutorial mission - combat, flight controls, mission structure, etc.
  • Control scheme
  • User interface (first person/third person) HUD
  • Player's ships
  • Enemy's ships
  • Load out screen
  • Save/Load game system
  • Pause system
  • Pods functionality
  • Warp animation
  • Jump to active mission
  • Space box
  • Planets/space content
  • Radar system
  • Combat system
  • Space loot/recover pods
  • Mission screen
  • Buy/Sell system
  • Ship upgrade system
  • Hangar/Home base
  • Ship to ship communication
  • AI system (enemies and allies)
  • End game scenarios

So as you can see, this is a really long list. But that's the whole point of a Backlog, to writedown all possible ideas and then eventually trim it down to the "essentials" for the game to work and to give the player a good gaming experience.

That's all, thanks for reading.

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Calendar October 5, 2010 18:15

Blogger Blogger

New Team

So I forgot to update my blog last Thursday (9-30-10), so this blog post will be for that day.

Thursday was the day that we found out which games out of the 9 that we presented on the 28th of last month were picked to move on to be fully developed into a game. So the team that I was on for the Gravity Shift game got picked to be one of the 3 games that we will be making. The people of the other groups were then assigned to one of the other three teams.

So the games that we will be making these next 2 semesters are: Gravity Shift, Creep Commando (originally Twinstick DotA) and the Space Fighter game. 

So I got moved from my team and got placed in the Space Fighter game, which is good because I think that I'll be able to do more in this game than in the Gravity Shift game. Mainly because this game is going to be a 3D space arcade game which will need a lot of 3D models done and I can definitely do that. The other game was going to be a 2D game, so I don't know what I would've done there except maybe get in the way. :(

Anyways, we got to meet the rest of the people in the group and we were introduced to a software development work flow called Scrum.

We also had a brief discusion to see where we wanted this game to go. Anyways, that is all that happened on Thursday. I'll post the video that we were show in class that better explains what Scrum is.

Thanks for reading.

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Calendar September 28, 2010 17:21

Blogger Blogger

Second Presentation

So today is the second presentation for our games. We are going to present the prototypes infront of experts and teachers from other departments and they are going to judge our game ideas.

For this presentation, I had to finish the background for the game. Since we have an art style that looks like a sketch or pencil art, we decided that a background that looks like paper would be better. So I used a picture of graphing paper that I found on the internet and expand it.

Here is a piece of the background. Its nothing fancy, but it matches our art style.

Also, on the last video you had to land on a sign to "win", but it was also kind of hard to see. So I made two others that we could use instead of a sign. Here they are:

Here is the video that I made for the presentation.

That is all, hopefully this game makes it through this round and eventually becomes a full game. Here is the link to the final pitch doc for our game. Thanks for reading.

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Calendar September 23, 2010 16:44

Blogger Blogger

Some Art is Done

So another one of my classes has been sucking up a lot of my time during the week, so I haven't really been working on the art as much as I should. But since the final presentation for the games is this coming Tuesday (9-28) I have to finish it before Saturday night. So have this is the only thing that I've worked on.




These arrows are going to help us show which way the gravity is pulling our character in the game. The reason I made them this way is so that it matches the art style of the rest of the game. If you look at the video that I posted earlier, the arrows stand out too much. This way they will look more natural.

I will post the rest of the stuff when I'm done. Thanks for reading.

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Calendar September 21, 2010 16:30

Blogger Blogger

Gravity Shift Game Pitch Video

So this is the video that we are going to use for the practice run of the second pitch. Since this video was done, the game has changed a bit. I made this video using Final Cut.

I need to finish the art for the game because we still have the ball on this prototype.

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Calendar September 16, 2010 21:02

Blogger Blogger

Main Character Revealed

So we decided that the main character is going to be a blob. Unfortunately, we are still not quite sure about the background story for the game. We need to come up with something over this weekend because we have to do a mock presentation this next Tuesday (9-21-10).

I worked a bit more on the art that I posted on Tuesday, and this is what I have so far. Please don't be too hard on me.


The head looks a little too pointy, so I need to fix it. This will be the sprite used when the character is not moving. I'm also working on another sprite where we see the sprite being thrown into the air.

My assignments for the weekend are as follows:

  1. I have to draw and complete the sprite for when the blob is in mid-air.
  2. Fix the sprite when the blob is not moving.
  3. Make a video for our mock presentation that shows some sample gameplay of the prototype.
The video shouldn't be too hard to do. But I need for Tyler (one of the group members and author of the original pitch for this game) to give me the raw footage. Hopefully he won't take too long, but I know that he's also working on some code for the game.

Anyways, I'll post the art when I'm done with it.

Thanks for reading.

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